Personal Loans

Use your Neighbors personal loan for just about anything

Whether it’s for home improvement, debt consolidation, funding special purchases, or covering major expenses, a personal loan from Neighbors might be just what you’re looking for.

When you choose us for your loan, expect personalized service from a trusted credit union that prioritizes member needs. Our knowledgeable team is always ready to answer your queries and guide you through the loan process.Applying for a personal loan at Neighbors FCU is straightforward and hassle-free. Our efficient application process allows quick completion, and our team works diligently to process your loan and provide a fast approval decision.
Whether you have a specific purchase in mind like a new appliance, a dream vacation, or even a wedding, our personal loans can provide the funds you need. Our competitive interest rates allow you to make necessary purchases without stretching your budget.

Loan TypeTerm / DetailsAPR* as low as
Personal Loan6011.80%
*Annual percentage rates (APR) quoted are subject to change. Interest rates may be higher based on an evaluation of your credit performance and a down payment may be required.

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